Role playing games for the next generation!

A marshmallow dungeon crawler for kids of all ages.

Explore ROOMS are for Everyone

Explore ROOMS can be tailored to the needs of busy adults and imaginative kids. Starting with the most basic RPG building blocks so you can create stories that…

  • Reflect your kids’ interests.

  • Adapt to their ever-growing abilities.

  • Shrink and expand to fit your schedule.

  • Foster imagination and collaborative play.

  • Present fun, peaceful, and non-violent scenarios.

If you’re looking for games that are made from the ground up, to help you build a bridge into role play for your kiddos, you’ll find them here.

Stay Up-to-date!

Sign up for our newsletter so you know when new games are available. The next things up on the road map are…

  • Pocket Guide to Explore ROOMS

  • Fairy, Fantasy, Pirate, & Dinosaur settings

  • and much, much more…